Dodson Middle School Gifted Magnet Program and VAPA Magnet Tours 9-10am on WednesdaysSep 25, Oct 2, 9, 16, 23Scan QR code or call 310.241.1900 x1919
ELAC and SSC Meetings Thursday, October 108:30am English Learner Advisory Council2:45pm School Site Council meeting & election
Community Schools parent survey Time is running out and we want to hear from EVERY family. Please take a moment to complete the 10-minute survey. Please help us get to know you and our community betterby completing a brief survey!El tiempo se acaba y queremos saber de TODAS las familias. Tómese un momento para completar la encuesta de 10 minutos. Por favor, ayúdenos a conocerlo mejor a usted y a nuestra comunidad completando una breve encuesta.