Visitor's Policy
Follow the established school policy in requesting classroom visitation from the principal/designee.
1) Complete a visitor's pass in the main office and obtain the principal/designee's approval before proceeding to the classroom.
2) Enter and leave the classroom as quietly as possible.
3) Do not converse with students, teacher or instructional aides during the visitation.
4) Do not interfere with any school activity during visitation.
5) Keep the length and frequency of the classroom visits reasonable (20 minutes).
6.)Follow the school's established procedures for scheduling an appointment with the teacher(s) and or principal/designee, after the classroom visit, if needed.
7.) Return the visitor's permit to the main office before leaving campus.
We encourage parents/guardians to visit their child’s classroom with the least amount of disruption as possible. Please be advised that classroom visits are not opportunities for parent conferences.
In addition to Back to School Night, Open House, and Parent/Teacher Conferences, your child’s teacher will inform you about the best way to communicate with him/her about your child’s academic progress.