Staff » Instructional Support

Instructional Support



Ms. Yolande Lewis, Library Studies Aide


Black Student Achievement Plan Staff (BSAP)


Ms. Yarvelle Bell, Restorative Justice Teacher 


Mr. Matthew Cartagena, Pupil Service and Attendance Counselor (PSA)


Ms. LaWanda Rowles, Psychiatric Social Worker (PSW)


Mr. Richard Gatewood, School Climate Advocate


Visual and Performing Arts


Ms. Ashley Rogers, Dance Teacher (W)


Mr. Chris Cavotta, Visual Art Teacher (spring semester)


Ms. Mara Hall, Instrucmental (M)



Ms. Brenda-Jean Shephard, TSP Advisor/Title 1 Coordinator

Ms. Kendra Black, Standard English Learner (SEL) Coordinator

Instructional Coaches

Ms. Cyrene St. Amant, ETO Instructional Coach

Ms. Nawn   Chu, Instructional Coach


Ms. Sunhee Hampton, Interventionist (Math)

Ms. Ana Zamudio, Interventionist (ELA)

Resident Substitutes

Ms. Jackylyn Delli Quadri (Yuan)

Ms. Sherelle Holmes

Comprehensive Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CCEIS)

Ms. Lataska Pittman, Systems of Supports Advisor (SOSA)

Tolani King, Psychological Social Worker 



Mr. Bryant Williams, Pupil Services and Attendance Counselor (PSA) Fridays

School Mental Health

Ms. Roichelle Dixon, School Psychologist (M, Th, F)

Ms. Regina Howard, Specialized Student Services Counselor (M)

Related Services / Itinerant Staff

Ms. Jessica Davis-Lee, Speech Therapist (M, alt. Tu, Th)

, Speech Therapist 

Mr. Scott Leibsker, Adaptive Physical Education (APE)

Ms. Andreah Samiado, Recreation Therapy (RT)

Ms. Brenda Walker, Occupational Therapist (OT)

, Physical Therapist (PT)





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