Our Mission

The mission of Purche Avenue Elementary is to provide a nurturing learning environment that ensures the academic success of all students. Our high quality instructional program features a clear purpose and direction that includes a variety of learning experiences designed to meet individual needs. The faculty and staff at Purche Avenue deliver research-based instructional practices that empower all stakeholders in a safe and positive setting. The entire community promotes student achievement by improving teacher practice through participation in cycles of continuous improvement. All educators at Purche Avenue have developed data driven accountability that facilitates high levels of learning.
At Purche Avenue, we support all stakeholders in becoming active participants in teaching and learning. We utilize a decision-making process that involves partnerships between faculty, staff, parents, and community members. We accomplish our goals for improving student achievement by encouraging parents to participate in the school community through our parent councils, Parent Teacher Organization and by facilitating participation in parent workshops. We believe in developing safe, respectful and responsible students who are poised to continue preparation.